How to Hide and Unhide Folder on MacOS?

Macs offer many ways to hide your files and folders, just like other OS. But Mac OS X hides these options and doesn’t make it easy for anyone just like Windows & Linux.

To hide a file or folder, you’ll need to set the “hidden” attribute for it. The Finder and other Mac apps will then ignore and not display this file or folder by default, and we are going to do that step by step on this tutorial.

Hide and Unhide Folder on MacOS

1. Open “Terminal”, you can search for it, or open the “Utilitiess” folder which located on “Applications”.

2. Type this command “chflags hidden ” with space at the end of it, and the drag and drop the folder you want to hide.

3. Once you finish the mentioned step above, click “Enter” on the terminal and the folder will be hidden.

Now our folder is completely hidden, let’s figure out how we can unhide it.

How to access a hidden files/folder on your Mac?

1. If you want a quick access to a specific hidden file or folder, you can do that through “Finder”, by click on “Go”.

2. Click on “Go to Folder…”, and write “~” as it reflects the current logged user folder, and to not forget our folder named “AvoidErrors.Net”, so you would enter “~/Desktop/AvoidErrors.Net”, and then press Enter.

3. Once you click on “Go”, it will open the hidden folder, just like below.

4. The above step will give you a quick access to a know hidden folder but what if you don’t know what else is hidden, let’s see how we can unhide all files and folders.

5. Open “Terminal”, and run this command “defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES”, and press Enter.

6. Exit “Terminal”, from the top bar, click on “Terminal” and choose “Quit Terminal”.

7. Relaunch the “Finder”, by holding the “ALT” key, and do a right click on “Finder”, and select “Relaunch Finder”.

8. After the “Finder Relaunch” will be shown again.


I started this tech blog back in 2011 as a place to write down processes I took to fix my client systems and network. Now I write some tips and tricks to help others with the tech issues that one might encounter.

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