How to Install latest Android OS on VirtualBox

Android OS are becoming popular now on laptops. This Process will walk you through the installation of Android on a virtual machine, This allows you to play with the Android Operating system and install apps in a full Android environment on your PC. If you like you can now install it on your PC as your main Oprating System.

Before getting started, you’ll need to Download and install VirtualBox and the latest version of Android-x86.ISO

Video Tutorial:

To Create an Android Virtual Machine:

1. Open VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine by clicking the New button.

2. Configure your virtual machine with the following settings:

Operating System: Type = Linux ,Version = Linux 2.6 / 3.x
Memory Size: 512 MB or More
Hard Drive Size: 5 GB or More

3. Create a virtual hard drive now, VDI (Virtual Disk Image), Dynamically allocated, and click on create Button.

4. Select Droid OS from the left pain and click on Settings -> Storage, Select the empty IDE Controller, and choose a virtual CD/DVD which is going to be the Android-x86.ISO you downloaded. Click on OK.

5. Select Droid OS from the left pain and click on Start. Here you would need to use the arrow keys and the enter button on your keyboard.

6. Select Installation from the menu options and click enter.

7. we need to Create a partition for the Android. Select the Create/Modify partitions option and press Enter.

8. Select the New option using the arrow keys and press Enter to create a new partition.

9. Choose the Primary option and press Enter, Press Enter again to use the entire partition of the virtual disk.

10. Then select the Write and press Enter to write your changes to the virtual disk. You’ll have to type yes and press Enter to confirm writing the partition table.

11. Choose Bootable and press Enter to make the partition bootable. Make sure under Flags shows Boot.

12. Select Quit option and you’ll go back to the Select Partition screen.

13. You’ll see the partition you created at the top of the screen.”sda1 Linux” it should be per-selected if not Select it and press Enter to install Android.

14. Select the ext3 file system, and then select Yes to format sda1 to ext3.

15. Select Yes to install boot loader the GRUB, and then select Yes to install /system directory as read-write.

16. Once you’re done, turn off Virtualbox and  remove the ISO file from your virtual machine. From step 2.

17. If your mouse cursor doesn’t work properly, click the Virtual Machine settings and select the Disable Mouse Integration option.


I started this tech blog back in 2011 as a place to write down processes I took to fix my client systems and network. Now I write some tips and tricks to help others with the tech issues that one might encounter.

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